On every Halloween for as long as anybody can remember, the local Coldiron Coven has held the annual Lovers' Lottery. This energetic, well-regarded tradition serves as a precursor to the week-long Harvest Festival, which marks the beginning of a series of year-end celebrations.
The Lottery involves one couple being selected at random from the surrounding county. After a night and day of sexual ecstasy at the hands of the Coldiron witches, the lucky couple is taken in front of the chapel at Halloween's sundown for a brief anointing ceremony. Thereafter, the naked winners submit to a binding ritual, and are then beheaded with a sword. Their heads are placed on spikes or pitchforks to either side of the chapel entrance, and their bodies are nailed in cruciform to the outer wall. The frosty autumns of Coldiron are usually sufficient for the specimens to remain in place for days or weeks, before decay inevitably makes continued display impractical.
In the meantime, the sacrificed couple serves two purposes: 1) appeasing evil spirits for the good of the county, and 2) entertainment for festival attendees. Family favorites, such as "Pin the Tail On the Wench" and "Boobdarts" (wherein nipples, male or female, are used as the bull's-eyes in a classic game of darts), have their origins in centuries past and are still enjoyed to this day.
If you're in the area as the Halloween season approaches, feel free to drop by the Coldiron Harvest Festival. There's fun for everyone! And who knows? If you hang around until next year, you might just get your own chance to win the Lottery.